Sébastien Gobert
Born in 1987, Niels Ackermann is a photographer for the most respected international newspapers. His work, from an immersion in the youth and loves of the post-Chernobyl generation (L’Ange Blanc (The White Angel), Noir sur Blanc, 2016) or how hard it is to cope with a nation’s painful past (Looking for Lenin, Noir sur Blanc, 2017) has been shown in galleries around the world.
Born in 1985, Sébastien Gobert is an inveterate traveler, fascinated by the post-Communist region. A journalist in Ukraine since 2011, he is the local correspondent for Radio France internationale, Mediapart and La Tribune de Genève. He is the co-founder of Daleko-Blisko, an independent journalists’collective. In 2017, he published Looking for Lenin with Niels Ackermann.