Dmitri Leltschuk
A writer, award-winning filmmaker and photographer born in 1953, Dominique de Rivaz divides her time between Bern and Berlin. Assistant director for Alain Tanner, among others, she has been collaborating on the Fribourg International Film Festival for the past 10 years. Her film Mein Name ist Bach was awarded the 2004 Swiss Cinema prize for best film; Luftbusiness, the 2009 Swiss Cinema prize for best actor. She has written three novels: Douchinka (L’Aire, 2009); La Poussette (Buchet/Chastel, 2010) and Rose Envy (Zoé, 2012), which was nominated for the Wepler Prize. She has also done a book of photos of the Berlin Wall: Sans début ni fin – Le chemin du mur de Berlin (Noir sur Blanc, 2010).
Dmitrij Leltschuk, a Bielo-Russian photographer, is currently living in Germany. His work is shown frequently.