Michel Ribon
Alumnus of the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, professor of philosophy, Michel Ribon taught philosophy and aesthetics first in Aix-en-Provence, then at the Lycée Français and the French Faculty of Beirut. A former resistant, deported to Auschwitz, he wrote Le Passage à Niveau/ The Train Crossing (published by PUF) a narrative-essay about concentration-camp existence as an extreme experience. He has also written several philosophical essays, including: L’Art et la Nature/ Art and Nature (Hatier, 1988). Archipel de la laideur/ Archipelago of Ugliness (Kimé, 1995), L’Art et l’Or du Temps/ Art and the Gold of Time (Kimé, 1997), Esthétique de la Catastrophe/ Aesthetics of Catastrophe, (Kimé 1999), A la recherche du Temps vertical dans l’Art/ Remembrance of Vertical Time in Art (Kimé, 2002).