• Available eBook version
Simone de Beauvoir
Bernadette Costa Prades

Many women have accomplished exceptional achievements. Yet History with a capital H often remains a men’s-only club. Only 5% of the people cited in history books are women, when in fact many women have had remarkable destinies. The goal of the Women of the World collection is to help introduce readers to women who have made a mark on their times, be it in the world of fashion, politics, the arts, literature, or elsewhere. Each in her own domain, the women whom these books will be devoted to are remarkable, uncommon figures. Their life stories are told here…

Simone de Beauvoir’s writings have inspired numerous analytical articles, essays and books, but her private life hasn’t incited the same devotion. This biography aims to trace the path of her childhood, her love life and her passions.

Simone de Beauvoir -
  • Available material :
    Finished copy

  • Buchet/Chastel
  • Libella-Maren Sell essais-documents
  • Biographies
  • Publication date : 13/04/2006
  • Size : 12,5 x 19 cm, 144 p., 12,15 EUR €
  • ISBN 978-2-35004-036-3
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