Mal parti
Monique Jouvancy
The French provinces in the late twentieth century: a typical French family with father-mother-grandmother-daughter and son. Everything is centered on the eldest son – who is alive, unlike the adored youngest boy, who died young.
The father works on the railroad, and is frustrated about not having climbed the corporate ladder. Still, what difference does it make? The son can achieve what the father failed to do.
But it’s hard to fulfil your father’s dreams when you’ve spent your life being criticized, rebuffed and belittled. No one’s talking about child abuse – a few slaps from time to time, so what? Still, shouldn’t that good-for-nothing have been the one to pass away?
Years later, the father’s death will be a liberation. After sowing a few wild oats, the son will fall into step: a wife, a government job. And the child that’s on its way.
He believes that the child will be his pay-back…
Les mal-partis is the novel of a tiny life. The narrator – the sister, the last witness – subtly observes a not-so-distant era that is nevertheless firmly in the past.