Les invasions biologiques
Un danger pour la biodiversitéJean Claude Lefeuvre
The introduction of foreign species (of both plants and animals) is not a new phenomenon: it has been going on since the Neolithic Period. Until recently, this practice was perceived as something positive, because the species were associated with economic development (they contributed to increasing food resources) and enriching our knowledge.
But our perception has now been reversed: the ever-more frequent proliferation of some species in various habitats has had a great many negative effects: when plants, animals or even bacteria and parasites multiply, they can cause extensive damage to the economy, our health and to biodiversity... In fact, invasive species are now considered to be the second most important cause of the worldwide decline in biodiversity.
We have finally reached a consensus that is urgent to do act, which often means increases in budgets devoted to resisting (mechanical, biochemical and biological). To make that fight more efficient, the author provides a certain number of useful recommendations.
The book explains very simply what an invasive species is, how some species (plants, animals, bacteria and parasites) can turn into “invaders,” what sort of threats they pose to humanity and the living world, and what resources we currently have at our disposal to fight them efficiently. A large number of illustrated examples in the photo insert make this book lively and enjoyable.