Ali Magoudi
Ali Magoudi was born on January 4, 1948 in Paris, of a Polish Catholic mother and an Algerian Muslim father. After studying medicine and linguistics, he became a psychoanalyst. His encounter with François Mitterrand, whom he saw regularly from 1983 to 1994, resulted in a television documentary, as well as a book called Autoportrait. He has also written Les dits et les non-dits de Jean-Marie Le Pen, (La Découverte, 1988), Quand l'homme civilise le temps (La Découverte, 1992) and La Lettre fantôme (Ed. de Minuit, 1996). From 1987 (psychanalyste, La Découverte) to 2000 (Comment choisir son philosophe, La Découverte), under the pseudonym Oreste Saint-Drôme, he wrote seven successful books, which have been translated into many languages. He has also been involved in political commentary, co-writing Manifeste pour une Europe souveraine with Jerôme Monod (Odile Jacob, 1999). In 2004, his autobiography, Le monde d’Ali was published by Albin Michel.