Jorge Semprun
Jorge Sempr¿n (1923-2011), the child of Spanish Republicans in exile, was schooled in France. A resistant and a Communist, he wrote several key eyewitness accounts of the hellish conditions in the Nazi concentration camps from which he had escaped. In 1964, he resigned his position within the Communist Party and devoted himself to his writing. He was the Spanish Minister of Culture from 1988 to 1991. The first time Franck Apprederis worked with Jorge Sempr¿n was in 1976. Together they wrote a mini-series set in 1950’s Saint-Germain-des-Prés, made a film based on Sempr¿n ‘s chef-d’œuvre L’écriture ou la vie (Literature or Life) for France Televisions, and did this portrait for Empreintes.